Seven Acre Dairy Co.

  • Brand Identity done for the historic factory Seven Acre Dairy Company. Now restored and on the National Register of Historic Places the Seven Acre brand is home to 3 of its sub brands.

    Sr. Account Executive: Adair Dorsett, Planet Propaganda
    Signage: Dan Yoder | Sign Art Studio
    Photography: Seven Acre Dairy Co.
    My Role: Creative Direction, Design, Illustration, Lettering, 3D Renders

Dairy Factory Restored

Nestled on the banks of the Sugar River in Paoli, Wisconsin, Seven Acre Dairy Company is home to The Kitchen, The Inn and Dairy Cafe. The Kitchen is an upscale restaurant and bar. The Inn — a boutique hotel as well as their Dairy Cafe where they churn out their own butter and soft-serve ice cream. Tasks ranged from custom logotype for Seven Acre and all its sub brands, illustrations extending from rug patterns to its timeline wall installation.

The Inn at Seven Acre


Target — Fall National


Duluth Trading Company